Saturday, August 25, 2012
Bonding with newborn baby
There are alot of things in life that you can overdo- but bonding with your newborn baby is not one of them. Not only do newborn babies thrive on attention from their parents, there is no better way to cement your relationship with your baby. All the time that you are spending with the baby will help both you and your partner bond with them.
Don't be surpised by your enthusiasm for your new bundle of joy. Bonding with newborn baby begins with that very first cuddle. This is just the very start of your relationship with that baby that will bring you a lifetime of happiness (yes, they will also cause you a lot of gray hairs also as they get older). This brand new connection between you and your newborn will deepen and strengthen, not just over the next weeks, but over the many years that you will be sharing as mother and child.
In other words, don't expect instant results (especially if this is your first time as a parent). You will make some mistakes. You will feel overwhelmed at times. Overwhelmed by all the responsibility but moreso, overwhelmed by the feelings of your love and protectiveness of this baby. There is no greater love than the love that a mother has for their children.
Look at every moment with your new baby as a new opportunity to strengthen your bond and create memories. Every diaper change, every bath, every kiss, every look into those tiny little eyes, you will be bonding with your newborn. Everything that you do with your newborn is considered bonding at this point. Sing to them, read to them, dance slowly with them in your arms etc. Every bonding moment is helping build trust and security with your baby.
Making eye contact and holding them snuggly against your chest can enhance the closeness and security of the bond. Keep in mind that bonding with your newborn many seem a little one-sided at first. They are too young at this point to be alert and responsive. You will be the one doing all the smiling and cooing, but every moment of your attention is contributing to your baby's sense of well-being. This lets them know that they are very much loved. The smiles that you will start seeing will confirm your time with them was well spent and that the connection was there all along.
Also, don't feel that you have to do all your bonding with your newborn at home. Newborns are highly portable, so feel free to pack a diaper bag, strap them into a stroller, car seat, or baby carrier and take a stroll, run some errands or go visit with family and friends. It's good for you both to get out of the house.
Enjoy this bonding time with your newborn. They grow up so quickly. My baby turns 14 next week and is starting high school. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was taking her to her very first day of kindergarten. Now, I will be taking her to her very first day of high school. I look at her baby pictures now and I just think "where have these years went"? Cherish this time :-)
While you are bonding with your baby, it's also important for you to get back in shape as well.
When you look good, you feel good and your mind and body are healthiest for all the energy that you will need for that new little bundle of joy.
See the best tips here on getting your body back quickly
Take time to laugh also. Laughter is great for your soul
Check out my funny facebook status blog for some awesome laughs
What is postpartum infection
Most women recover from childbirth without any problems at all, but childbirth can occasionally leave you open to infection. That's because it can leave you with a variety of open wounds in your uterus, cervix or vagina. This mostly happens when you tore during childbirth, had an episiotomy or at the site of a C-section incision. Postpartum infections can also occur in your bladder or kidney. After I had given birth to my daughter, I had come down with a postpartum infection in my kidney and it was very painful (not as painful as the labor though :-). The most common postpartum infection is endometritis.
While some postpartum infections can be dangerous, especially if they go undiagnosed or untreated, most often infections simply make your postpartum recovery slower and more difficult, and they take time and energy away from your most important priority: bonding with your new bundle of joy. For that reason alone, it's super important to get help for any suspected postpartum infection as quickly as possible.
Learn more on having the quickest and healthiest postpartum period here.
Lose that baby weight quickly and get your sexy self back :-)
Take some time to laugh also. Laughter is always the best medicine :-)
See 100 funny facebook status updates here to help give your spirits a boost
Postpartum Problems You Should Be Aware
Author: Nicky PilkingtonAfter delivery, new emotional changes are coming your way, but along with them potential physical and mental problems can put you at risk for a serious illness.
Some signs and symptoms are the normal result of giving birth, including leaking of urine, constipation, gas, bloating, painful perineum, slight changes in your breast, as well as profuse sweating without an apparent cause
This is the way in which, your body is adjusting to get back to its old-self, at the time that eliminates toxins and excess of other fluids accumulated during your pregnancy. All these signs will disappear in the next few days after delivery.
However, there are signs and symptoms you should be aware of. You have probably heard about postpartum depression, a natural state occurring in some women for a few days, but if you feel an extreme sadness that is leading you to an altered mind state and destructive thoughts, you must call your doctor immediately.
You might also feel an acute pain in your pelvis or abdomen after delivery. It is normal as long as it does not last for several days. If pain is persistent and painkillers make you feel worst, this is a sign that something is going wrong.
Bleeding is not always a sign of a potential complication. Most women have a bright red bleeding for several days, that stops and resumes now and then, but never beyond a week. If you are bleeding for more than 4 days and your blood has a foul odor or contains big clogs, call the doctor straight away.
Other symptoms revealing a postpartum complication include mild to severe fever predicting an infection, soreness or localized pain that persists for more than a few weeks after delivery.
Watch out also for persistent or severe headaches and vomiting, double vision, dimming, blurring vision, or any other vision abnormality. If this occurs, do not hesitate in having a medical check up.
Postpartum complications do not occur often, but the risk is always there. It can be prevented or cured when the problem is diagnosed and attended to in time.
If you are alone at home, call your husband, a member of your family or friend that can take you to the doctor. Nevertheless, if you are feeling really bad, do not think twice and call 911 instead, especially if you are bleeding profusely, feeling chest pain, shortness of breathe, or coughing up blood.
In such cases, signs of shock can occur irremediably, including clammy skin, weakness, rapid palpitations or heartbeat, light-headedness, rapid breathing, and confusion or restlessness. The sooner you detect these symptoms and receive medical attention the less likely you are of having severe complications.
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About the AuthorFor more information about postpartum problems and information on postpartum you can check out
See the best tips on the web on having the quickest and most healthiest postpartum recovery here
Foods that bring on labor
Tired of being pregnant? Ready to do or eat anything that will make your little bundle of joy make their entrance? Though there is no science backing this theory up, many of old wive tales talk about foods that bring on labor. Among the most often heard: If your stomach can take the heat, dip into something spicy. Order something that gets your bowels in an uproar (such as a bunch of bran muffins, chased down by many glasses of prune juice). Not in the mood for something so stimulating? Some old wives swear by eggplant, tomatoes, and balsamic vinegar; others say pineapples are a food that brings on labor.
Once your baby makes their entrance into this world, it will be time to lose that weight quickly. Check out the best tips on losing the baby weight in the fastest time but in a healthy way here
Get back to your sexy self :-)
or you can try laughing yourself into labor,
See 100 of the funniest facebook status updates here
How to Jump Start Labor - Helpful Tips for Overdue Moms Who Are Desperate to Induce Labor Naturally
Author: Liza DupontAre you overdue? Is your body going through all sorts of discomfort because of this? Are you tired of people telling you what to do with your body? Do you want to start your own labor and make that happen today? Thankfully, you can.
You can jump start your labor and give birth fast. You don't have to rely on medical induction as your only means of relief. Most women want to stay away from medical induction because they want their child to be safe. They want the entire birthing process to go as smoothly as possible and so do you. You want to induce your labor naturally and you want to make this happen today.
First of all, you can induce your labor without even leaving the house. There are things that can be done in the comfort of your home that can really work to induce your labor and give you the relief that you have been searching for. For example, eating a certain type of food can really work in favor of inducing labor. Eating foods such as pineapple, mango and kiwi has a really positive effect on the natural induction of labor. There is a certain enzyme found in these foods that help to dilate the cervix and begin the process of labor. Not only are you getting the results that you have been looking for, but you are also eating delicious foods that can give you a sense of tranquility and relaxation.
Another type of food that you can eat that will jump start your labor is spicy foods. The reason why spicy foods work so well to induce labor is because they speed up the process. When we eat something spicy, our body feels as though it has to overcompensate for the spice. You can feel your mouth producing more saliva and you can feel your heart rate increasing. These are all signs that the spiciness is working in your favor. It can even speed up the process of labor. Since every other system in your body is working in overtime, so can your cervix.
The foods that we eat always play an important role in our health and the development of the child, and now they can have a very big impact on our ability to go into labor early. If you are overdue and you are looking for some relief, then you need to try these tips today because they can really work for you.
About the AuthorBeing pregnant is wonderful, but if you're near your due date, or past it, you're living in a constant state of discomfort. Medical induction isn't your only choice when it comes to bringing on the birth of your new son or daughter. There is a safe, guaranteed way to induce your own labor naturally.
You can use effective acupressure techniques to help stimulate contractions. Labor acupressure not only can help you begin labor in the next 36 hours, but it also helps to diminish the pain you'll feel. It's a perfect choice for both you and the baby.
Be a fit, yummy mommy- Learn more here
Breast cancer and pregnancy
General Information about Breast Cancer and Pregnancy
Author: Mark PeloreBreast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the breast.
The breast is made up of lobes and ducts. Each breast has 15 to 20 sections called lobes, which have many smaller sections called lobules. The lobes and lobules are connected by thin tubes called ducts.
Each breast also contains blood vessels and lymph vessels. The lymph vessels carry an almost colorless fluid called lymph. The lymph vessels lead to small, bean-shaped organs called lymph nodes that help the body fight infection and disease. Lymph nodes are found throughout the body. Clusters of lymph nodes are found near the breast in the axilla (under the arm), above the collarbone, and in the chest.
Breast cancer is sometimes detected (found) in women who are pregnant or have just given birth.
In women who are pregnant or who have just given birth, breast cancer occurs most often between the ages of 32 and 38. Breast cancer occurs about once in every 3,000 pregnancies.
It may be difficult to detect (find) breast cancer early in pregnant or nursing women, whose breasts are often tender and swollen.
Women who are pregnant, nursing, or have just given birth usually have tender, swollen breasts. This can make small lumps difficult to detect and may lead to delays in diagnosing breast cancer. Because of these delays, cancers are often found at a later stage in these women.
Breast examination should be part of prenatal and postnatal care.
To detect breast cancer, pregnant and nursing women should examine their breasts themselves. Women should also receive clinical breast examinations during their routine prenatal and postnatal examinations.
Tests that examine the breasts are used to detect (find) and diagnose breast cancer.
If an abnormality is found, one or all of the following tests may be used:
- Ultrasound exam: A procedure in which high-energy sound waves (ultrasound) are bounced off internal tissues or organs and make echoes. The echoes form a picture of body tissues called a sonogram.
- Mammogram: An x-ray of the breast. A mammogram can be performed with little risk to the fetus. Mammograms in pregnant women may appear negative even though cancer is present.
- Biopsy: The removal of cells or tissues by a pathologist so they can be viewed under a microscope to check for signs of cancer.
Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.
The prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options depend on the following:
- The stage of the cancer (whether it is in the breast only or has spread to other places in the body).
- The size of the tumor.
- The type of breast cancer.
- The age of the fetus.
- Whether there are symptoms.
- The patient's general health.
Stages of Breast Cancer
After breast cancer has been diagnosed, tests are done to find out if cancer cells have spread within the breast or to other parts of the body.
The process used to find out if the cancer has spread within the breast or to other parts of the body is called staging. The information gathered from the staging process determines the stage of the disease. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Treatment for more information on the stages used for breast cancer.)
Methods used to stage breast cancer can be changed to make them safer for the fetus.
Standard methods for giving imaging scans can be adjusted so that the fetus is exposed to less radiation. Tests to measure the level of hormones in the blood may also be used in the staging process.
Treatment Option Overview
There are different types of treatment for patients with breast cancer.
Different types of treatment are available for patients with breast cancer. Some treatments are standard (the currently used treatment), and some are being tested in clinical trials. Before starting treatment, patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial. A treatment clinical trial is a research study meant to help improve current treatments or obtain information on new treatments for patients with cancer. When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, the new treatment may become the standard treatment.
Clinical trials are taking place in many parts of the country. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from the NCI Web site. Choosing the most appropriate cancer treatment is a decision that ideally involves the patient, family, and health care team.
Treatment options for pregnant women depend on the stage of the disease and the age of the fetus.
Three types of standard treatment are used:
Most pregnant women with breast cancer have surgery to remove the breast. Some of the lymph nodes under the arm are usually taken out and looked at under a microscope to see if they contain cancer cells.
Types of surgery to remove the breast include:
- Simple mastectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the whole breast that contains cancer. Some of the lymph nodes under the arm may also be removed for biopsy. This procedure is also called a total mastectomy.
- Modified radical mastectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the whole breast that has cancer, many of the lymph nodes under the arm, the lining over the chest muscles, and sometimes, part of the chest wall muscles.
Breast-conserving surgery, an operation to remove the cancer but not the breast itself, includes the following:
- Lumpectomy: A surgical procedure to remove a tumor (lump) and a small amount of normal tissue around it. Most doctors also take out some of the lymph nodes under the arm.
- Partial mastectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the part of the breast that contains cancer and some normal tissue around it. Some of the lymph nodes under the arm may also be removed for biopsy. This procedure is also called a segmental mastectomy.
Even if the doctor removes all of the cancer that can be seen at the time of surgery, the patient may be given radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy after surgery to try to kill any cancer cells that may be left. Treatment given after surgery to increase the chances of a cure is called adjuvant therapy.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy. External radiation therapy uses a machine outside the body to send radiation toward the cancer. Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.
Radiation therapy should not be given to pregnant women with early stage (stage I or II) breast cancer because it can harm the fetus. For women with late stage (stage III or IV) breast cancer, it should not be given during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping the cells from dividing. When chemotherapy is taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle, the drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy). When chemotherapy is placed directly into the spinal column, an organ, or a body cavity such as the abdomen, the drugs mainly affect cancer cells in those areas (regional chemotherapy). The way the chemotherapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.
Chemotherapy should not be given during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Chemotherapy given after this time does not usually harm the fetus but may cause early labor and low birth weight.
New types of treatment are being tested in clinical trials. These include the following:
Hormone therapy
Hormone therapy is a cancer treatment that removes hormones or blocks their action and stops cancer cells from growing. Hormones are substances produced by glands in the body and circulated in the bloodstream. Some hormones can cause certain cancers to grow. If tests show that the cancer cells have places where hormones can attach (receptors), drugs, surgery, or radiation therapy are used to reduce the production of hormones or block them from working.
The effectiveness of hormone therapy, alone or combined with chemotherapy, in treating breast cancer in pregnant women is not yet known.
This summary section refers to specific treatments under study in clinical trials, but it may not mention every new treatment being studied. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from the NCI Web site.
Ending the pregnancy does not seem to improve the mother's chance of survival and is not usually a treatment option.
If the cancer must be treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which may harm the fetus, ending the pregnancy is sometimes considered. This decision may depend on the stage of cancer, the age of the fetus, and the mother's chance of survival.
Discover How You Can Treat Infertility Naturally, Without Drugs or Surgery
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About the AuthorRead about How To Reverse Infertility Naturally, and get Amazing Free Bonuses On Health, Relaxation and Baby Names and a 24 Hours Support From Our Customer Care on Pregnancy and Fertility Issues.
Hope that helped with some of your concerns about breast cancer and pregnancy
Take some time to laugh. Laughter can be the best medication sometimes
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Read some of the best tips here on losing weight postbaby quickly, naturally and healthy
What is Bradley method of childbirth
Bradley Method of Childbirth and Useful Bradley Method Exercises
Author: Dr. Lee MikalEmbracing nature throughout birth is the greatest way to end pregnancy and the healthiest way to begin your baby's life.
In the late 1950s, natural childbirth began resurgence after a half a century of delivery interventions.
By the end of the 60s, Dr. Robert A. Bradley had begun teaching Husband–Coached Childbirth. This new method rivaled the more popular Lamaze technique.
Exercise encourages a healthy pregnancy and prepare mother and baby for the work out ahead.
Yoga, swimming, and walking are great low-impact choices. Some exercises in particular are perfect training for childbirth.
Squatting, pelvic rocking, tailor sitting, and leg lifts make stronger and stretch the groin and lower back area where the majority labor pain occurs.
The Kegel exercise should be at the top of the work out. It's done by contracting, holding and release the vaginal muscles.
This method embrace the idea that childbirth is a natural process and that, with the right preparation, most women can avoid pain medication and routine intervention during labor and birth.
It's named after American obstetrician Robert Bradley, who urbanized the method in the late 1940s.
The second class expands further on the dietary needs of the mother and teaches proper techniques of breast feeding.
The third class teaches the eager parents about the enlargement of the baby and the changes that are captivating place inside the mother's body.
The fourth class covers the role of the father throughout the birthing process.
The fifth class discusses the first stage of labor. Parents are encouraged to practice rehearsing the labor procedure from this point on.
The method was first popularized by Dr. Robert Bradley in his book, "Husband-Coached Childbirth".
Fundamental to the Bradley birth attitude is the belief that with adequate preparation and support from a loving, supportive coach (your partner), most women can obviously deliver their children. No drugs or surgery necessary!
Since the moment we first exposed that I was pregnant with our daughter, my husband and I were like sponges – we were committed to learning as much as possible about pregnancy and how I could best nourish and sustain our growing child.
The Bradley method was really suited to us for these reasons – it is not simply a method of delivery, it's an teaching.
The Bradley method emphasizes the importance of healthy babies, healthy women and healthy families.
Bradley's Method
So, what was Bradley's secret? Bradley supposed that women could be trained to work with their bodies, rather than next to their bodies, during labor.
To date, of the 200,000 women (and their husbands) trained in the Bradley Method, their figures show that over 86% of them have had natural, vaginal deliveries.
Today, couples who are paying attention in learning the Bradley Method sign up for a 12 week Bradley course taught by a expert instructor.
Each couple receives a 125 page Student Workbook which contains the class curriculum, study guides, and in order on pregnancy, birth, doulas, etc.
The workbook leads the group from side to side the 12 week course, ensuring that all courses are taught in a like style and with the same curriculum.
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About the AuthorPlease visit our site Bradley Method of Childbirth and Childbirth Complications and Early Pregnancy Symptoms
See how to lose the post baby weight quickly, naturally and in the healthiest way possible here
Take time to laugh. Laughter is important for your health and soothes your developing bundle of joy
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What is the Bradley method of childbirth?
Author: EdwardQuintonWhat is the Bradley method of childbirth?
This method embraces the idea that childbirth is a natural process and that, with the right preparation, most women can avoid pain medication and routine interventions during labor and birth. It's named after American obstetrician Robert Bradley, who developed the method in the late 1940s.
The program lasts 12 weeks and is more intensive than other childbirth education classes. Proponents claim that over 86 percent of Bradley-trained couples have had spontaneous, unmedicated vaginal births.
The Bradley philosophy says that it takes months to prepare for childbirth and parenting - mentally, physically, and emotionally - and prides itself on addressing all aspects of natural childbirth, as well as many pregnancy and postpartum issues. The course also emphasizes educating partners to be effective coaches.
What will my partner and I learn in a Bradley course?
To make sure the classes are thorough and personal, classes are limited to eight couples and are often even smaller. The course will address:
* Nutrition and how it affects a growing fetus
* The importance of exercise (when appropriate) during pregnancy
* Common pregnancy symptoms and complaints, and how to cope with them
* Techniques for relaxation during labor and birth, with an emphasis on breathing methods to help you "tune-in" and manage your pain rather than distract you from it
* Methods to help your partner be an active participant and a skilled coach on labor day
* The stages of labor and how to cope with the changes your body experiences during each one
* Medical interventions and how to avoid unnecessary ones
* How to reduce your risk of having a c-section and what to do if it becomes medically necessary
* Making a birth plan and how to communicate effectively with your medical team
* Breastfeeding
Certified Bradley MethodT instructors are trained professionals and experts in the field of childbirth education. Most of them have given birth naturally themselves or attended many unmedicated natural births. They have undergone an extensive training program with the American Academy of Husband-Coached ChildbirthT and are required to complete continuing education requirements and reaffiliate every year.
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About the AuthorWendy Knudtson is a certified Bradley Child Birth instructor in Spokane Washington and assists in Natural Childbirth Spokane.
Read more here on having the fittest, healthiest pregnancy
Bleeding gums during pregnancy
How to prevent maternal bleeding gums?
Author: DannyGingival tissues, especially the interdental papillae, hypertrophy can be minor bleeding, redness, edema becomes severe, the patient's gingival papilla of significant proliferation, the formation of a pregnancy epulis or granuloma, its size ranging from The color is often dark red or purple, the number can be more or less. Suffer from pregnancy gingivitis, gingival blood vessels to dilate, bending, the gums become bright red or blue-red, the gingival margin and interdental papilla edema, pressure when you have depression, while gums, easy bleeding. Unless accompanied by an acute infection, ulceration or pseudo membrane formation, generally no pain.
The gums of pregnant women are prone to infection. Women during pregnancy, estrogen, progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin were significantly increased, birth before gradually restored to normal levels. Is generally believed that pregnancy tooth
Gingivitis is due to increase in pregnant women, luteinizing hormone, usually expressed as a simple pregnancy gingivitis and pregnancy epulis two.
Pregnancy gingivitis is common to both the height of the one in the first three months of pregnancy, one in the last three months of pregnancy. Early pregnancy, pregnant women, increased significantly, can affect the integrity of the gingival epithelial tissue, while the highest level of progesterone in Determine the price of factors of porcelain teeth late pregnancy, so pregnancy gingivitis usually pregnancy 2-3 months before delivery the most serious.
First to pay attention to oral health during pregnancy, insisted meal mouthwash after meals and at bedtime brushing to avoid food fermentation acid residue in the mouth.
Gums, acute inflammation or symptoms of pregnant women, should go to hospital to seek medical attention, instead of arbitrarily taking anti-inflammatory drugs, so as not to cause fetal malformations.
Pregnancy nausea, vomiting, pregnant women should pay attention to Why are the teeth before porcelain teeth remove the acid remains in the mouth, gargle 2% of the commonly used baking soda and water to inhibit the growth and reproduction of oral bacteria, and acid, to maintain an alkaline environment in the mouth. To use a soft brush, brush your teeth, do not use excessive force. Should eat more foods rich in vitamins and protein, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, in particular, should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C. When necessary, oral vitamin C tablets.
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About the AuthorLove to laugh, check out my funny facebook status blog
See the best ways to lose the pregnancy weight in a quick and healthy way here
Your Gums May Change, Too!
Author: Sandra WilsonExpectant mothers have found out that pregnancy affects the entire body. Why should the gums be left out? It is common for pregnant women to experience various problems with their gums. With bleeding gums, pregnant women often have to deal with uncomfortable symptoms. Fortunately for them, this condition is treatable.
Bleeding gums, like many conditions during pregnancy, is caused by excessive hormone levels. If the pregnant woman has too much progesterone in her body, she can suffer from bleeding gums. This condition should be taken seriously, even though it is a common occurrence. If you experience bleeding gums, be sure to consult your dentist.
This is a good way to determine whether or not your case of bleeding gums is normal. In some cases bleeding gums can signal a more serious condition, like gum disease. Pregnant women must be faithful to monitor all major changes they experience during pregnancy. This is the best way to receive treatment right away. It is also a good way to see what is happening over time.
If the bleeding of gums is not handled properly, it can develop into gum disease. This disease can be even more painful for the pregnant woman. So proper care and quick treatment are crucial. A preventive method to deal with bleeding gums is through good hygiene practices. Brushing one's teeth twice a day is one of the best ways to treat your gums.
Brushing your teeth requires you to have the right tooth brush, and the right dental products. In some cases, it may be necessary for you to purchase a softer tooth brush. When pregnant women are experiencing sensitivity, to their teeth and gums, the right tooth brush can make a big difference. This is especially true when brushing becomes painful.
Flossing is also a good habit to maintain. This allows you to remove excess plaque from your teeth. Flossing promotes overall health of your teeth and gums. Remember, however, to be cautious when doing so. If your gums are already bleeding, don't allow poor flossing techniques to make it worse.
Teeth should be professionally cleaned on a regular basis. This is one of the ultimate ways of maintaining healthy teeth. It is also important to visit your dentist when you're experiencing problems with either your teeth or your gums. He or she can provide ways to treat not only your problem but also the symptoms that come from it.
In most cases, bleeding gums are treated with simple antibiotics. This and all medications should be cleared with your physician. Pregnant women have to be extremely careful where medications are concern. A natural way of combating tooth and gum issues during pregnancy is through having a healthy diet.
Dietary changes can be paramount to strengthening both your teeth and gums, preventing future problems from occurring. Incorporating foods, into your diet, that are rich in calcium, can have a big impact on issues like bleeding gums. Foods like milk and cheese have been known to strengthen teeth and bones.
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About the AuthorYou can find helpful information about bleeding gums and everything you need to know about gum disease at Aha! Baby.
Lose pregnancy weight quickly- See tips here
Falling while pregnant
Do you feel more clumsy while pregnant? Are you falling alot while pregnant? If pregnancy is tripping you up, that's not surprising. There are plenty of factors that can combine to make you more prone to falling while pregnant. For one, your impaired sense of balance, which has been thrown off-kilter as your center of gravity keeps shifting forward, along with your belly. For another, your looser, less stable joints, which add to awkwardness and make you prone more to falling while pregnant. You also become more clumsy because you get tired a lot easier. You also tend to be more preoccupied and daydream more. Also, don't forget that you may be having trouble seeing past your belly to your feet- all of which makes those curbs and other stumbling blocks easy to miss.
Although an accidental fall during pregnancy may leave you with scrapes and bruises and be embarrassing (especially if it is in public :), it's extremely rare for a fetus to suffer the consequences of your clumsiness. Your baby is protected by one of the world's most sophisticated shock absorption systems, made up of amniotic fluid, tough membranes, the elastic, muscular uterus, and the sturdy abdomninal cavity which is pretty much all muscles and bones. For it to be penetrated, and for your baby to be hurt, you'd have to sustain very serious injuries, the kind that would very likely land you in the hospital.
If you fall while pregnant and are concerned, call your doctor and get a check up. It will help to ease your mind.
Falling while pregnant is common.
Enjoy your pregnancy.
Read the best tips here on losing pregnancy weight fast once your little bundle of joy has made their entrance into the world
If you need some laughter to brighten you up during these 9 months, check out my funny facebook status blog. Lots of laughs
Trying to get pregnant
If You Have Been Attempting to Get Pregnant This Could Be Helpful
Author: David KiddIn the event that you've been trying to conceive for over a whole year without having any positive results to show for it, then maybe you or your lover may be unable to have children. You could have enjoyed unprotected sex just about every day of the year but still nada. You may have tried just about everything which includes soliciting the expert judgment of an infertility professional, going through clinical exams, as well as enduring pricey infertility treatments like fertility pills, surgery, and also assisted reproductive solutions. You might be at your wit's end and possibly, stressed in financial terms due to the high costs.
It is really not astonishing and you are most definitely not the only one. It is because you have been trying to conceive based on aggressive procedures with high dangers for health problems. You may have multiple pregnancies, which bears the health risks of premature babies with developmental issues, along with personal health conditions like blood loss, infection and swollen ovaries, to mention a few. In other words, you're spending your precious time, energy and capital on fertility treatment methods which may carry more significant risks than benefits.
Thankfully, you can find productive and safe natural treatment plans for fertility. These approaches are really simple to follow and may be accomplished out of the convenience of your house. It does not involve physicians, needles, expensive procedures or medications. You will, nevertheless, be required to strictly comply with certain rules, especially where your diet program, way of living habits and contact with toxins in the environment are concerned. This may be just what you're seeking.
Your primary objective, certainly is to help make your mind and body healthier and stronger so that both of them are ready to foster life. You must have a positive mental attitude when it comes to reproduction on the whole. And that is true of sex too due to the fact both are very closely linked. Whenever sex gets to be a dreaded task, the body actually starts to diminish its reproductive capacity, so to speak. The body must be free of all of the internal factors that can make getting pregnant challenging. These elements might include built up harmful toxins, impurities and pollutants through unhealthy food choices.
So, why should you keep on trying to conceive applying contemporary healthcare methods with no success if you have the advantages of all-natural methods merging contemporary together with age-old strategies? You could possibly before long become the happy bearer of very good news to your man as well as to the rest of your close friends and family.
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About the AuthorIf perhaps you've been trying to conceive but haven't had any luck, take a look at this enlightening video clip
Read the best tips on trying to get pregnant here
Having Trouble Getting Pregnant - How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant
Author: Sarin Svensson FTo all women who are having trouble getting pregnant, you can try out these few, simple yet effective getting pregnant tips. The bottom line is cutting back on few aspect of your life which. Cut back on some things which have proven to decrease your chances of getting pregnant?
If you are having troubles getting pregnant, then you can naturally increase your odds of conceiving by doing the following:
1 - Cut the Stress
This is said all over on the net, but is seems as if people don't get it enough, so I will say it here again: Not being able to get pregnant can be very stressful, but the more you are stressed the harder it gets to get pregnant, so try as much as possible to avoid stress. (I know it is easier said than done, however, it can help you out if you out a great deal)
2 - Cut the caffeine
If you are used to taking 10 cups of coffee every day, try to reduce the number as much as possible, it will increase your chance of getting pregnant. Though this alone is not enough, but if you are having trouble getting pregnant, you should not be doing anything that can reduce your chances even one bit.
3 - Healthy Lifestyle.
This is also easier said than done. But if you want to get pregnant, make sure you prepare your body and make it ready to conceive. No smoking, no too much drinking. Eat healthy etc.
4- Get an effective infertility cure guide to learn form. Many women thing that most of these natural infertility cure guides sold on the net are scams! Far from that, there are very effective natural infertility cure e-books which have proven to be very effective. Getting one of them could just be what you have been waiting for all this while to help you conceive naturally. However, make you get one that has a good track record.
If you have are having trouble getting pregnant, and want to try out an Infertility Cure Guide, then I suggest you get a copy of Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle Guide and try out the recommendations in it. This guide has proven to be very effective in totally reversing infertility in thousands of women all over the world and could be of great help to you too.
Are you Having Trouble Getting Pregnant? Do you want to cure your infertility, get pregnant and give birth to a healthy kid?
Click here: Having Trouble Getting Pregnant, to read more about Lisa Olson's pregnancy miracle guide and how it can help you out.
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About the AuthorRelated articles: The Pregnancy Miracle, Pregnancy Miracle Review, Tips On How to Get Pregnant
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Restless legs during pregnancy
With so many things already coming between you and a good night's sleep in your last trimester of pregnancy, it hardly seems fair that you have restless legs during pregnancy too. 15% or so of pregnant women experience restless legs during pregnancy. Your legs feel restless, creeping, crawling and tingly all over. It keeps the rest of your body from settling down. It's most common at night, but it can also strike in the late afternoon or pretty much any time that you are lying or sitting down.
Experts aren't sure what causes restless legs during pregnancy, and they are even less sure of how to treat it. None of the tricks of the leg cramp trade- including rubbing, massaging or flexing- seem to bring relief.
It is possible that diet, stress and other environmental factors may contribute to the problem.
Restless Leg Syndrome During Pregnancy - What are The Medical Alternatives
Author: LucasSteagnerRestless leg syndrome in pregnancy can pose an unusual set of challenges for both you and your physician. It might be difficult to distinguish severe leg cramps from restless leg symptoms, since both of them can disrupt sleep during pregnancy. One of the differences is that leg cramps can be painful and prolonged, and include a stiffening or hardening of the muscle. While restless legs often strike a person for the first time during pregnancy, if you already had RLS it becomes aggravated when you are pregnant.
Studies have found that RLS can affect up to one in four women who are pregnant. While symptoms often resolve themselves following delivery there are some women who are more prone to developing a chronic form of RLS with each successive pregnancy. In general, symptoms of RLS might appear for the first time or might increase in the third trimester.
The apparent cause of RLS in pregnancy is still under debate. Some research, however, has been devoted to factors such as low mineral and vitamin levels, decreased bladder capacity, prolonged caffeine half-life, sleep deprivation due to other body changes, hormonal changes, and the increased weight that is placed on the legs during the later stages of pregnancy. One recent study suggested that lower the rates of restless leg syndrome occurred in pregnant women who were taking a folate supplement compared with women on a supplement without folate included.
If you do experience symptoms of restless leg syndrome in pregnancy, including crawling, tingling, and burning, combined with an irresistible urge to move the legs, and some relief when you do so, you should discuss all of the symptoms with your doctor. If your ferritin or folate levels are low supplementation should be given to bring these back up to normal range.
Other behaviors you can do yourself include avoiding nicotine, caffeine and alcohol, and engaging in regular moderate exercise. You should also be aware of any medications that might make symptoms of RLS worse. For example antihistamines can sometimes aggravate symptoms of RLS. You should be aware of behavioral methods you can do such as taking a brief warm bath, or engaging in activities that might stimulate the brain such as discussions, computer games, or even knitting. Most of the time of RLS will be less pronounced during the daytime. If you are fatigued during pregnancy there might be an opportunity for a quick nap.
If you are experiencing severe RLS then you and your physician may consider drugs for treatment of RLS. Of course, this should only be considered if you have explored any lifestyle or behavioral changes you can make to get yourself a better night's sleep. Medication should only be resorted to after all other approaches have failed and should only be used at the lowest possible dosage and frequency.
Finally, another supplement you can try is magnesium. Magnesium is important for the development of healthy bones and for smooth muscle contraction and relaxation. Deficiency of magnesium may lead to muscle cramps, muscle tension, and may include sensations that seem similar to those described in cases of restless leg syndrome in pregnancy. If you do decide that you might want to try a magnesium supplement discuss the proper dosage would be with your midwife or physician. And be sure to include sources of magnesium in your diet including fish, spinach, legumes, yogurt, brown rice and bananas.
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About the AuthorWhat if you just can't get to sleep?
I know about lying awake through long nights of tossing and turning, looking at the clock and thinging about how exhausted you'll be tomorrow. If you what to get back to sleeping soundly and waking up refreshed you'll have to learn a few tips that make it simple again.
You can learn more about sleeping through the night and strategies that can make your life easier and about the pros and cons of restless leg syndrome medication .
Your life doesn't have to be ruled by restless leg syndrome! Pick up your free report on sleeping better by clicking the link.
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Ankle swelling during pregnancy
Your belly's not the only thing that will swell up. Ankle swelling during pregnancy is also very common. This is usually due to increased body fluids.
Here are some tips to help alleviate ankle swelling during pregnancy:
* Stay off of your feet and off your butt. If long periods of standing or sitting are part of your job description, take periodic breaks. Have a seat if you have been standing, and get up if you've been sitting. Take a 5 minute walk to rev up your circulation.
* Put your legs up. Elevate them when you are sitting. If anyone deserves to put their feet up, it's you.
* Get some rest on your side. If you are not already in the side-lying habit, time to try it now. Lying on your side helps keep your kidney's working at peak efficiency. It helps to eliminate waste and reduce ankle swelling during pregnancy.
* Choose comfort. Make a comfort statement, not a fashion statement. Favor shoes that are comfortable and wear slippers whenever possible.
* Keep up your exercise routine. This will help to keep the ankle swelling during pregnancy to a minimum. It also helps you to stay feeling good during your pregnancy.
* Drink lots of water. The more water that you drink, the less you will retain. Drinking at least 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water a day will help your system flush out waste products and salt.
* Get the support you need. Support hose may not be sexy, but they are very effective in reducing ankle swelling during pregnancy. Several types are available for pregnancy wear, including full panty hose with lots of tummy space
The good news about ankle swelling during pregnancy is that it's normal and temporary.
Read more tips here on having the healthiest of pregnancies and reducing ankle swelling during pregnancy. Be a fit, yummy mummy :-))
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Sore breasts during pregnancy
Sore breasts during pregnancy is very common in women. Breast changes (possibly more pronounced if you typically have breast soreness before your period, and possibly somewhat less if you've had babies before). Fullness, heaviness, tenderness, tingling, darkening around the nipples are all normal during pregnancy, especially in the beginning of the pregnancy.
Breast Tenderness – Causes of Breast Tenderness During Pregnancy
Author: Corwin BrownBreast tenderness during pregnancy is a very common thing. In fact, it is often one of the very first signs that you are pregnant. Breast tenderness simply refers to the soreness, swelling, and sensitivity that you feel in your breasts during pregnancy. Typically, this tenderness begins between the fourth and sixth week of pregnancy, and continues through the first trimester. Most women will find that their breast tenderness disappears in the second and third trimesters, although you may notice that your breasts do feel sore from time to time throughout your pregnancy.
Some women have breast discomfort or pain right before their period, while for others, this starts during ovulation and continues until their period begins. It is common, however, for a woman's breasts to feel "bruised" or extremely sensitive right before menstruation. Often times, breast discomfort is caused by fluctuations in hormone levels throughout the menstrual cycle (regardless if women are on the pill or not). Sometimes birth control pills are prescribed to help alleviate this achiness or tenderness. In addition, that bruised feeling can be a side effect of the pill.
Causes of Breast Tenderness during Pregnancy
The most common cause of breast tenderness is called fibrocystic breast changes. These changes are caused by the swelling of very tiny fluid-filled cysts in fibrous tissue in the breast. The changes usually happen 7 to 10 days before your menstrual period and go away when your period ends.
Breast tenderness during pregnancy and after conception can be caused by various factors. Most of the cases, unbalanced level of estrogen hormones is the main cause for breast tenderness during pregnancy and after conception.
You breast tissue will also begin to change. Milk ducts and milk-producing cells will begin to form, causing your breasts to grow and change shape. More layers of fat beneath will begin to develop under your breasts, which will likely cause your breasts to increase in size. All of these factors contribute to the tenderness, soreness, and swelling that you are experiencing.
Increased breast size. During early pregnancy, fat builds up in the breasts. The milk glands increase in size. By six weeks, your breasts may be noticeably larger—by as much as a full cup size or more. Your breasts may keep growing in both size and weight throughout the first three months of pregnancy.
The most common cause of breast tenderness is unbalanced amounts of estrogen hormone, maintaining a healthy hormone level is important to avoid this symptom. Take a look at the following articles, which explain the steps to take for controlling breast tenderness.
Leaking. By 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, some women find that their breasts are leaking a fluid. This is colostrum (the fluid that nourishes your baby for the first few days after delivery before your breasts start to make milk). The colostrum may leak on its own or may leak during breast massage or sexual arousal. Early in pregnancy, the colostrum is usually thick and yellow. As delivery approaches, it turns pale and nearly colorless.
Breast tissue will also begin to change. Milk ducts and milk-producing cells will begin to form, causing your breasts to grow and change shape. More layers of fat beneath will begin to develop under your breasts, which will likely cause your breasts to increase in size. All of these factors contribute to the tenderness, soreness, and swelling that you are experiencing.
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Nail polish during pregnancy - Is it safe?
It's perfectly safe to polish your nails while pregnant. If you get your nails done in a salon, just make sure it's well ventilated. Inhaling those strong chemicals is never a good idea but especially not when you are breathing for two. Also, the fumes might make you feel nauseated. As for acrylics, there's no proof that the chemicals are harmful. You may want to err on the side of caution though and forgo the tips until after you have the baby. The smell can be extremely strong. You need to remember that you are more prone to infections while pregnant. You may not even need the extra length or strength of acrylic nails anyhow because the prenatal vitamins will make your nails grow at warp speed.
Check out many other helpful pregnancy tips here. Have the healthiest of pregnancies. Your baby deserves that :-)
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Surprisingly Safe Things to Do during Pregnancy
Author: chelsealeisAny pregnant woman should know that drinking alcohol and smoking are imprudent. It's best to quit while you can. There are some things, however, that may surprise you to know might actually be good while you're pregnant. Some of these may even have been previously thought of as unsafe.
The debate still rages on whether caffeine—from coffee, chocolate, tea, and some sodas-- is safe for you. There is no clear consensus yet on how much caffeine is safe, or whether it is safe at all. Depending on the state of your pregnancy, your obstetrician-gynecologist may advice you on whether it is safe for you to consume coffee, chocolate, or tea. If doubt still niggles at you, perhaps it is safest to avoid caffeine altogether.
It is widely held that it is unsafe for women to dye their hair. You may be surprised to learn that it is reportedly safe to use. The substances your hairdresser uses for your hair actually does not enter your bloodstream and cannot possibly harm your baby.
It is also safe for you to get your manicure or pedicure. As with the substances in your hair dye, the stuff in your nail polish, also reportedly, does not harm your baby. However, as an extra precaution, you may remind your aesthetician to be careful not to break your skin.
The ob gyn Houston women visit would advise their pregnant patients to continue exercising during their pregnancy. Low-impact exercise can strengthen their muscles, reduce discomfort and pain, and promote good circulation. It also controls weight gain. You may consult your physician on the exercise techniques best suited for you.
Depending on the state of your pregnancy, an obgyn Houston women visit would say that sexual intercourse is safe. In fact, some studies show that exposure to your partner's semen can make your cervix more flexible for labor, and additionally, acts as an antidepressant for you. Sexual intimacy throughout pregnancy can also raise your partner's paternal instincts as the two of you work to make your sessions safe and comfortable as your pregnancy progresses. Some physicians, however, may advise against sexual intercourse early and late in the pregnancy.
Taking air travel is also safe for pregnant women until she is thirty-six weeks along. So is road travel, but limit the travel for two hours or less. Consult an ob-gyn Houston parents visit in case she may have different advice for you. See for more information.
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About the AuthorIf you have questions, please visit us at www.SweetwaterObGyn.comfor complete details and answers.
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High HCG levels in early pregnancy
hCG Levels in Pregnancy
Author: Baron AustinHCG levels in early pregnancy can be detected approximately 11 days after conception by a blood test, and about 12-14 days after conception by a home pregnancy test, or urine test. In general, the HCG levels in early pregnancy should double every 48 hours in early pregnancy to indicate a viable pregnancy. This rate will increase to every 96 hours after a few weeks.
Normal hCG levels during early pregnancy vary significantly from one person to another. HCG levels increase rapidly during the beginning of pregnancy, doubling approximately every two to three days, and then the doubling rate starts to slow down somewhere around the 8th week of pregnancy. A couple of days can have a significant effect on how high a woman's levels are.
If you get your hCG level back and they seem higher than normal for your gestation, there is a chance you are carrying twins or multiples. The problem with going by hCG level's alone to determine how many babies you are carrying is that some women (for whatever reason) have higher hCG levels when they are pregnant then other women do. You may have a level of 49 hCG at 4 weeks gestation, and your friend may have a level of 268 hCG at 4 weeks gestation.
If you have ever looked at an HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) chart, you will know that the range for a normal pregnancy at 4 weeks, 5 weeks, 6 weeks and so on is quite large. For example a woman who is 4 weeks pregnant, may have an hCG level of 45 or 345, and both are perfect. The biggest thing to remember when analyzing your hCG levels is are they rising, and how quickly? It isn't so much the number as it is how quickly the numbers are doubling.
The rate at which the foam number is doubled is what assumes prime significance in case of expectancy. Sometimes it can be noted that a healthy expectation can lead to inferior hormone level. It is a fact worth mentioning that the HCG level should slowly but surely decrease after child birth takes place. After miscarriage the level should in all possibility reach the extent that existed before fertilization. The time taken for the HCG level to reach a normal stage is about four to six weeks.
HCG stimulates the ovary to make progesterone. Progesterone is the hormone that maintains the endometrial lining of the uterus for carrying the pregnancy. In the normal menstrual cycle, progesterone made by the ovary only lasts for 2-weeks after ovulation. After 2-weeks, the progesterone level falls and menstruation begins. However, if pregnancy occurs, it stimulates the ovaries to produce progesterone to prevent menstrual bleeding.
Each month in the second half of a woman's menstrual cycle after an egg has been released by the ovary the lining of the uterus is supported and stimulated by progestin that is produced by the cells of the ovary in the area where the egg was released. This area of the ovary is called the corpus luteum, and it produces progestin for about 12-14 days. If the egg is fertilized and implants in the uterus, the developing embryo starts to produce the hormone HCG which stimulates the corpus luteum to continue to produce progesterone.
Home pregnancy tests are best if used after a woman misses her first period because the hormone takes time to build in the system. If a home pregnancy is taken too soon, the results can be inaccurate causing unneeded stress for the woman.
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Monday, August 20, 2012
Cramps in early pregnancy
Newly expectant mothers tend to worry a lot during their pregnancy (especially during the first trimester of the first pregnancy). Topping the list of most common concerns is the fear of miscarriage.
Fortunately, most expectant moms end up worrying unnecessarily. Most pregnancies continue uneventful and happily, to term. Just about every normal pregnancy includes some cramps in early pregnancy (and through the pregnancy as well).
Mild cramps in early pregnancy is usually just caused by the stretching of ligaments that support the uterus. Unless cramping is severe, constant, or accompanied by significant bleeding, there's no need to worry.
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Cramping During Early Pregnancy
Author: Arnold DaviesDuring pregnancy, a woman may experience so many changes psychologically and physically. Some pregnant women handle it lightly but some may have trouble adjusting to the changes. Like for example, not all pregnant women experience morning sickness or the nausea and vomiting, but there are women who had experience the nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Some women may feel light cramping when the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine wall. This can take place as early as six to eight days after fertilization. You may experience some light bleeding or "spotting" when the egg implants itself.
Apply a heat pad to your lower abdomen to relieve the abdominal cramps. Make sure it is not too hot to be uncomfortable! Do not take drugs that are not allowed and prescribed by your doctor, drugs like ibuprofen and NSAIDS are harmful during pregnancy. Your doctor may prescribe an acetaminophen for pain relief though.
So, bleeding in first trimester can be a proof of a miscarriage if only it is too much in quantity, is red in color, and is becoming heavier day by day rather than getting lighter. Further, besides heavy implantation bleeding during early pregnancy, a woman might also experience severe cramps in the lower belly. However, heavy bleeding including clots is not the only warning sign of miscarriage.
Cramps in early pregnancy can also be an indicator of a more serious condition, like an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg doesn't make it to the uterus where it needs to grow, and stops in the fallopian tubes instead. You will probably find this out in the first six weeks. If treated early on, and ectopic pregnancy can be managed without harm to your or the baby.
One way you can treat frequent mild cramps during early pregnancy is by using a heating pad. Applying it to the lower abdomen works really well for most women. If need be you can go ahead and take acetaminophen. This is a good pain relief medication.
Remember that this is early in the pregnancy and you can only test positive after a few days. A great number of women however get an early miscarriage. This means that you can have all the signs of pregnancy such as cramps but later on start bleeding and your menstruation comes. The first dots of blood can be an early miscarriage though just followed by your monthly menstruation.
Constipation, gas and changes to the digestive system- Blood flow is increased during early pregnancy and higher progesterone levels may slow down the digestive system. This may cause a woman to feel more bloated and uncomfortable. Because the digestive system is slowed down, constipation may occur. Gas and digestive problems may be another cause of mild cramping in early pregnancy.
Along with cramping you are likely to observe some other symptoms like morning sickness, fatigue, nausea, elevated body temperature, tender breasts and many more. Cramping is a very normal thing during pregnancy. Regular visit to the doctor is essential to understand the change in your body and the development of your baby.
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Weight gain during first trimester
Many women don't have any weight gain during first trimester. Some women even lose a few pounds (courtesy of morning sickness). Other women may have started the pregnancy a little overweight; therefore, they don't need to gain any weight this early on. Fortunately, nature has your baby's back, offering protection even if you are too sick to eat. Tiny fetuses have tiny nutritional needs, which means that your lack of weight gain now won't have any effect on your baby. Not so, however, once you enter the second trimester. As the baby gets bigger, calories and nutrients will be more in demand.
It's very important to eat healthy though. If you continue to have trouble gaining weight after the first trimester, try taking in more calories. Eat a little more food each day. Don't skip meals and eat more frequent snacks (healthy ones of course). If you can't eat a lot at one sitting (which isn't good for pregnancy digestion anyhow), eat six small meals daily instead of three big ones. Eat salads and soups after your main courses to avoid putting a damper on your appetite. It is best to eat foods high in good fats. Don't try to add pounds by adding lots of junk food to your diet. That kind of weight gain is more likely to head straight for your hips and thighs and not to the proper place that it should be heading (the baby).
Read more on weight gain during first trimester here.
Be the healthiest that you can be for your baby. Also, the healthier you eat while pregnant, the quicker you will shed the weight once the baby is born.
Happy pregnancy to you
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First Trimester Of Pregnancy
Author: richardjamesCongratulations on becoming pregnant. You are about to embark on an exciting 9 months for both you and your partner. Your first trimester of pregnancy is just the beginning. Your body is going to go through many changes. It’s helpful to know what to expect during this time.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, nausea is often caused by the increase in the levels of hormones within the body. But for some women, the hormone levels continue to rise up to the third trimester. In addition, the size of the baby is much larger during this trimester and the uterus may possibly press against the stomach. Nausea may also occur with heartburn, so women are advised to eat smaller frequent meals to avoid it.
Your breasts may swell and become tender- this is your body preparing to breastfeed. Wearing a supportive bra may ease discomfort. During pregnancy, mothers often complain of spots or greasy skin. This is nothing to be alarmed about. It is the result of an increase of hormones within the body.
Many women are terrified of miscarriage during the first trimester of pregnancy. They often do not tell friends about pregnancy until after the first trimester. Miscarriage is not common despite receiving a lot of attention in magazines.
The hormone changes are quite evident during this period and the woman will experience the well known morning sickness. This sickness can also be triggered by several factors such as perfumes, food odors and cigarette smoke. By the guide can teach the woman that this morning sickness is likely to end as soon as the first trimester is over.
Fatigue can also be a sure sign of an early pregnancy, usually occurring during the first trimester and often partially blamed on a dramatic rise in the level of the hormone progesterone. Pregnancy also can put a huge strain on every bodily function - it's no wonder that you may feel totally exhausted before the day is through.
Prenatal vitamins
Prenatal vitamins contain valuable iron that you need when you are pregnant. But this very same iron can trigger nausea. You may want to try a different brand of prenatal vitamins or go on a low iron formula during the first trimester pregnancy. Also, change the timing of the day when you take it. Try taking your vitamin with something other than water, like in a spoon of pudding.
If you didn’t manage to gain at least 2 pounds after the first trimester of pregnancy, or even lose some weight you don’t need to panic, this is not a reason for the baby not to develop normally, but you should consult a specialist in nutrition. If you didn’t have healthy-eating habits before, pregnancy is the time to develop these good habits. Even if you don’t have an appetite and you feel a little sick, make sure that what you eat , at least, is high-calorie but healthy food. You don’t have to exaggerate with eating junk food and having endless desserts, even if you didn’t manage to gain the proper weight in the first trimester. This may be harmful for the baby.
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What causes morning sickness?
Not all pregnant women experience morning sickness. Some have only occasional moments when they feel quesy but never actually vomit, others vomit occasionally, and others vomit frequently and feel quesy a lot. What causes morning sickness? Several factors can come into play.
*First-time pregnancy- Morning sickness is more common and tends to be severe in first pregnancies. Both physical and emotional factors may be involved. Since your body has never been pregnant before, the body is less prepared for the onslaught of hormones and other changes that it is experiencing. Emotionally, first time pregnancies are more likely to be subject to the kinds of anxieties that can turn a stomach- while women in a second or third pregnancy may be distracted from their nausea by the demands of caring for older children.
* Hormone levels- Higher than average levels can increase morning sickness; lower levels may eliminate or minimize it. The high level of the hormone hCG in the blood in the first trimester, elevated estrogen levels and the relative relaxation of muscle tissue in the digestive tract (which makes digestion more difficult).
* Stress- It's known that stress can trigger stomach upset, so it's not surprising that symptoms of morning sickness tend to worsen when higher stress levels are in motion.
* Fatigue- Physical or mental fatigue can also worsen the symptoms of morning sickness and of course, severe morning sickness can increase fatigue.
* Sensitivity- Some brains are more sensitive to others, which means they are more likely to respond to hormones and other triggers of morning sickness. Some people tend to feel quesy normally more than others. For instance, if you are the type of person that gets carsick easily when you are not pregnant, you will be more prone to morning sickness.
Again, every women's body is different so what causes morning sickness in one person but not another can be difficult to determine. Approximately 75% of women suffer from morning sickness while pregnant. (Note: Just because it is titled morning sickness doesn't necessarily mean that you will only feel sick in the morning- You may feel it any time of the day or night).
Many women lose weight in the first trimester of their pregnancies because of the constant vomiting. That is normal. The good news is that morning sickness usually doesn't last longer than the first 14 weeks. Also, don't fear about harming your baby by not being able to hold food down while experiencing morning sickness. During the first trimester, your baby's needs are miniscule. The baby is barely the size of a pea so they aren't being harmed.
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Morning sickness Causes and Symptoms and Some Common Home Remedy Treatment for Morning sickness
Author: drcharlesbucharMorning sickness is one of the early signs of pregnancy. It is characterized by nausea and unsettling stomach. The causes of morning sickness are strictly hormonal. Hormonal changes inside the body leading to an increased sense of smell can cause this sickness. Especially for first timers, morning sickness can be a very unpleasing experience.
Read more on Home Remedies for Morning sickness and Symptoms Of Multiple Pregnancy and also visit on Women Health Care
Those bouts of throw ups can even leave you bed-ridden. There is no cure for pregnancy nausea. When the body adapts to the changing condition the symptoms also disappear. But it is indeed possible to ease morning sickness. There are many remedies of morning sickness and you have to experiment and find out which remedy works best on you. This is because a single remedy is not suitable for everyone. If one does not work well on you, you may try the others.
What are some common morning sickness symptoms?
Morning sickness symptoms vary from woman to woman. However, here is a list of some of the most common morning sickness symptoms:
1. Backaches
2. Constipation
3. Darkening of areola (breast nipple)
4. Excessive salivation
5. Fatigue, tiredness, sleepiness
6. Food cravings
7. Frequent urination
8. Headaches
9. Greater sense of smell
10. Lower abdominal cramps
Home Remedies for Morning sickness
1. Mix a teaspoon of limejuice, mint juice and sugar. Have this decoction three times a day. It is a good way to deal with morning sickness.
2. Avoid having fried items as well as fatty and spicy foods.
3. Take some wheat germ and dissolve it in warm milk. Have it every hour. This will prove to be effective in curing morning sickness.
4. Consume a high protein snack before going to bed. This is a good way to resolve morning sickness.
5. Extract the juice of 20 to 25 curry leaves. Thereafter, add 2 tsp of fresh limejuice and 1 tsp of honey to it. Intake this mixture 3-4 times in a day.
6. Mix 1/2 tsp ginger juice, 1 tsp fresh limejuice, 1 tsp mint juice and 1 tsp honey. Have this mixture 3-4 times a day.
7. Put 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop of peppermint in a humidifier. This would emit a good fragrance in the room, which would be effective in treating morning sickness.
8. Vitamin B deficiency can also cause morning sickness. In such a case, it is advisable to include salads, wheat, vegetables, bananas, sea food and chicken in your diet.
9. Have food items that are rich in calcium, protein and complex carbohydrates.
10. Having a glass of lemon juice, first thing in the morning, is also beneficial in treating morning sickness.
Read more on Home Remedies for Morning sickness and Symptoms Of Multiple Pregnancy and also visit on Women Health Care
Read the best tips on having the healthiest pregnancy here
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Feelings during pregnancy
Every woman and every pregnancy is different. You may experience all of these symptoms at one time or another, or only a few of them. Some may have continued from last months; others may be new. Still others may be hardly noticed because you have become so used to them. You may also have others, less common symptoms. Here's what you might expect this nine month:
* Fatigue
* Decreasing urinary frequency.
* An end to, or a decrease in, nausea and vomitng for a few women, morning sickness will continue (but only for a far and few in between)
* Constipation
* Heartburn indigestion,flatulence and bloating
* Increased appetite
* Nasal congestion and occasional nosebleeds; ear stuffiness
* Sensitive gums that may bleed when you brush them
* Occasional headaches
* Slight increse in vaginal discharge
* Continue breast enlargement but usually decreased tenderness.
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Monday, August 13, 2012
Flying while pregnant
Never again will it be so easy to vacation with your baby. Fast-forward to a year from now. You will be lugging a car seat, diapers, toys etc wherever you go. There's no better time to fly while pregnant than when you are in your second trimester. After all, the fatique, queasiness, and emotional extremes of the first trimester are behind you; however, you are not yet a point where your belly has a life of it's own, making it hard to drag yourself and your luggage around.
So don't have reservations about those reservations that you've already made. But before you pack your suitcase, do get the go-ahead from your doctor first. Chances are that your doctor will give you the green light unless you have had medical complications in the pregnancy.
Once you have been cleared for takeoff, you'll only need to do a little planning to ensure a safe and pleasant trip, whether it's a quick business trip or leisurely vacation.
Time your vacation right. For long distance travel, the second trimester is the winner. Far-flung travel during the first trimester can be uncomfortable, especially if morning sickness, fatique and other early symptoms have hit hard. Likewise, roaming far from home isn't recommended in the last part of the trimester for obvious reasons. Should you go into labor early, you'd be stranded far away from your doctor.
Choose a suitable destination. A hot, humid climate may be hard for you to handle because of your hopped up metabolism; if you do choose such a locale, make sure that your hotel and transportation are air-conditioned
Have fun and enjoy.
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Saturday, August 11, 2012
Memory loss during pregnancy
Pregnancy Hormones May Cause Memory Problems
By Pauline Go
A lot of pregnant women actually suffer from forgetfulness and clumsiness during pregnancy. A research shows that hormone levels are so elevated during pregnancy that they may be having an adverse effect on the brain cells. There could a link between pregnancy and memory problems.
A research that was conducted took into account the various stages of pregnancy. According to the research, the first trimester in pregnancy did not show any visible set of problems related to memory. However, when women were given simple questionnaires to fill in their second and third trimesters, they performed a lot worse. Also, women tend to get worried during pregnancy if they will be able to function normally after giving birth. The phase of memory loss actually lasts for quite some months even after pregnancy.
Pregnancy causes several psychological problems like low mood levels and anxiety disorder. It is known to cause prenatal and postnatal depression. These conditions may be affecting the memory in women during pregnancy also.
Hormones could be playing a big role in causing memory loss. While typically hormones get regulated in the body for the safety of the mother and child, some hormones when produced excessively in the body may not suit the brain cells. Higher rate of sex hormones also have an effect on the neurons in the brain. Memory is a brain function that usually takes place in the hippocampus and it is this region of the brain that the scientists feel is adversely affected by the circulating hormones. Mood swings and anxiety that extend after pregnancy in the form of post natal depression also causes memory loss after pregnancy.
However, researchers agree that more research needs to be conducted in this field in order to definitively find out what causes memory problems in pregnant women.
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in the medical industry. She also offers top quality tips like:
Ringworm Homeopathic Treatment, Vitiligo Disease
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